Philippine Nurses Association of Gulfcoast Florida, Inc

Upcoming Events

PNA Gulf Coast Florida raised funds for the Community Outreach Programs
By: Cecile Santos- Medenilla, President
One of our mission is to be able to help our kababayans in times of need. Whether it’s in the US or in our motherland. So we grab the opportunity when one of our officers suggested a fund raising event at their Clubhouse.
We thought of selling items donated by members , plants, arts and crafts. But we finally decided to sell pancit, egg rolls, turon or banana fritters, baked goods like cookies, hopia, banana cream cheese cake.
With the aroma of our food items, people including vendors came to our table curious of what we’re selling. Some knew pancit and egg roll from their Filipino friends. So people sample our food and kept coming back for more.
One of our members also donated plumeria plant. She brought 5-6 plants and they were all sold out. Our food items were almost sold out as well. We are grateful to our officers and members who participated in this event . For those who donated baked goods and other items to sell, thank you very much.
It was a fun day with our members and at the same we accomplished our goal to raise money to augment our Community Outreach Committee funds.
PNAGF attends Ang Kaliwat Bol-Anon sa Florida, Inc.
It was a night to remember for the Boholanos in Florida. Members of the Philippine Nurses Association of Gulf Coast Florida Executive Board and members attended the Kaliwat Bol-Anon sa Florida Induction of Officers for 2023-2025. The newly inducted President is Edwin Latras, a member of PNAGF. His wife Lisa Latras is also a member of PNAGF. We are proud of them leading the Bohol Association of Florida. Edwin was re- elected for another term. Edwin and Lisa are active member of PNAGF. They joined us in Camp Aruga, a PNAA initiative last January. The event was attended by over 200 guests in their beautiful Filipiniana attire. Entertainment by the Philippine Performing Arts dance group. Food was excellent , Lauriat style. PNAGF and Bohol Association have similar goals, community service, scholarship to name a few. Like other organization, we support each other to accomplish our goals. Submitted by: Cecile M. Santos- Medenilla, President- PNAGF 2022-202
Good evening ladies and gentlemen!
It Is my great privilege and pleasure to welcome you to PNAGF's 11th Induction Ceremony and Gala night.
I would like to acknowledge the presence of our PNAA leaders headed by PNAA President Dr Gloria Beriones, PNAA President-elect Dr Marlon Saria, SCR Vice-{resident Mr Manny Ramos. PNAA Past President Mr Pete Calixto, PNAA Secretary Tess Damito, and PNAA NCR Vice-President Manelita(Bong) Dayon. Thank you for being here and for your support.
I am deeply honored, humbled , and incredibly excited to be standing here before you tonight as the new leader of the Philippine Nurses Association of Gulf Coast Florida. PNAGF has encountered challenges, disappointments, trials and tribulations mainly because of the pandemic.

PNAGF Presidents's Message
Cecile Santos- Medenilla, BSN, RN, TNCC
PNAGF President 2022-2024

The Philippine Nurses Association of America SCR Camp Aruga Leadership Retreat January 16-18, 2023, …… We Care …. Camp Aruga
By Teresita Gallano Rivera, PNAGF President Elect 2022-2024
On December 02, 2022. Camp Aruga was announced, during the inspirational speeches by Dr. Beriones and Manny Ramos at the PNAGF Induction Gala night. Some of us were interested, decided to attend, and see what it was all about.
The preparation and coordination via email was efficient and Rosie Antiquino was up to date to relay the messages and answer all the questions regarding reservation, facilities and allowing spouses to go and participate.
Camp Aruga is a Leadership Boot Camp ….. with theme / emphasis to nurture self and environment.
PNAGF chapter attendees: Betty Miranda, Cecile & Manny Medenilla, Teresita & Nicolas.Rivera, Orpha Mineque & Napoleon Duey, and Edwin & Lisa Latras.

Education Seminar
Health & Wellness 2023

EB Meetings Every Second Saturday of Every Other Month
ZOOM Meeting
The Philippine Nurses Association of Gulf Coast Florida’s Induction Ceremony and Gala night 12/2/22
On 12/2/22, we were installed as PNAGF’s Executive Board by PNAA President Dr. Gloria L. Beriones assisted by PNAA Pres. Elect Dr. Marlon Saria.
The afternoon started at 4:00 pm when the members of the new EB came to help out set up the venue. Each one got ready to do their assigned task for the night.


PNAGF Events/Highlights


PNAGF 24th Anniversary 2023
PNAGF Events/Highlights

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PNAGF at Philfest 2023
April 2023
PNAGF 11th Induction of Officers Dec 2022

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PNAGF co hosts the 2023
Sto. Nino Celebration
PNAGF Creative Nurses Awardee of the Month
Florida Gulf Coast Sunset, Photo by Merly Santos- Llanto, BC, RN, CCRN
Flamingoes under the Angel's Trumpet Trees, Photo by Maria Theresa Tulipat, BSN, RN
A Squirrel Stops to Enjoy the View, Photo by Ma. Janua Coeli Navarro, BSN, RN, CCRN
Sea of Clouds, Photo by Orpha Ale Mineque, BSN, RN, CCRN
A Bunny hops at the Garden, Photo by Agnes Santos, BSN, RN, CCRN
Afternoon Walk by the Bay, Photo by Janella Puyot, BSN, RN, CCRN
Endless Positive Cuteness by the Beach at the Carolinas by Jenny Lyn Scott, BSN, RN
Alberta, Canada, Photo by Ma. Janua Coeli Navarro, BSN, RN, CCRN
Alberta, Canada, Photo by Ma. Janua Coeli Navarro, BSN, RN, CCRN
Alberta, Canada, Photo by Ma. Janua Coeli Navarro, BSN, RN, CCRN

Photo by Jenny Lyn Scott, BSN, RN

Photo by Merly Llanto, BC, RN, CCRN